Thursday 13 May 2010

Uni's out for summer!

It’s coming to the end of the academic year and for us, it’s the end of our first year as university students. It’s been a lot of hard work but a lot of fun too.

Getting used to specific deadlines with no leniency and bigger word counts than many of us were used to caused a lot of stress and a few all-nighters before deadlines. Our addiction to caffeine is now higher and our ability to switch off during lectures grows more each day.

We’re now counting down the days until we finish for four glorious months of doing nothing. It’s 19 days for us, in case you’re wondering.

But what has been the best/worst part of our first year at university?

Alex- For me the best part was that was able to go out a lot more than I used to and got to meet a lot of new people. The worst part was that I still live at home and driving in everyday, paying for parking and petrol gets really expensive.

Mel- I think that the best part of my first year at Uni has to be meeting new people. The worst part must be all the deadlines and realising that you actually have to get your work in on time!

Maria-The best thing about university by far is meeting new people and making friends. Actually getting a degree takes a bit of a backseat to be honest as a lot of time is spent socialising! At this time of the year though when the deadlines start looming you are brought back down to earth with a shudder and reminded of why you came to uni in the first place.

Paul-The first year has been great and the highlight has been the group of people on our course that I’ve met and become friends with.

Drew-The best thing about my first year at uni has to be the new people I have met and the friends I’ve made. The worst has to be not having enough money to fund socialising.

Billy-The best thing is the freedom, the lay-ins and the days off! The worst thing is the early starts and the Canterbury traffic.

John-The best thing about uni is meeting lots of new people and really enjoying the course I’m doing. The worst thing is that I hate shorthand.

Andy-It has been great to meet new people and see new places while being on a course I really enjoy. Aside from the 9am lectures!

Highlights from freshers year by GeordieGirl1100 Alex Cowley

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